Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgeries
Los Angeles Surgeons Performing the Latest Techniques
Over the years, there have been medical and technological strides to make thoracic surgery less invasive and less risky for patients. These necessary operations were traditionally performed with large incisions and the spreading of the ribs, causing long, painful recoveries and the potential for numerous complications.
At the office of Azmi Atiya MD in Los Angeles, CA, our cardiovascular surgeons work to make the process easier while minimizing pain and healing time. Minimally invasive thoracic surgery is performed under general anesthesia with small incisions made to your chest. We use small cameras to endoscopically monitor the procedure, making it unnecessary to completely open the chest and expose the internal organs to potential infections.
When Is Thoracic Surgery Necessary?
A thoracic lobectomy is a surgical procedure to remove a lobe of the lung. Based on your condition, age, medical history, and current lung function, you may be a good candidate for a minimally invasive, video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery, also referred to as a VATS lobectomy.
This procedure may be required if you have any of the following conditions:
- Severe fungal or bacterial infections
- Abscesses that do not respond to antibiotics
- Benign tumors
- Malignant cancer
- Emphysema
Before your operation, you will undergo a serious of blood and breathing tests to reduce any potential risks. Quitting smoking is one of the biggest things you can do to help yourself before surgery, but your doctor may also instruct you to stop taking certain medications to reduce the risk of complications with anesthesia.
After Your Procedure
Lobectomies can offer a long-term solution to cancer, especially if performed in early stages. They can also help fix problems that have developed from trauma. Depending on your condition prior to surgery, your recovery time can be shortened and additional risks may be avoided through less invasive procedures.
Our Los Angeles surgeons make sure to schedule follow-up appointments after you have been discharged from the hospital. We take the time to monitor and treat your condition at every step of the process to help ensure that you do not needlessly suffer.
Contact our skilled cardiovascular surgeons to learn more, or email us today!